Friday, December 23, 2005

Now to make plans for next year

Well I am not a big resolution person but I do get a sense of having a clean slate... kinda thing...The coming year I am going to focus on art by starting out "forcing" myself to get some work done. Then I am going to try and stay home more and not take off so much...except for Art and Soul and Artfest of course. .....And use up the supplies I have. I have this weird thing that I need to go get more that will magically get the job done. I do get inspired while looking at what is new out there etc. But I have enough supplies to start my own art store I think. I am teaching and co-teaching this coming year and I have a big job lined up in Jan. But I am debating if I should take any classes. I get more done that way but I have to travel so much and lose precious time. I am still not decided.
I will share some Mexico picture with you now

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